The Client
Aimee has developed a caring and supporting business offering Reiki, Sound Therapy, and Psychic services with over 8 years of experience and training. The business was relaunched this year with a new name and a huge change to the branding to reflect Aimee’s special brand of energy that inspires and motivates many to make a big shift in their lives.
The Problem
The previous business name branding didn’t fit Amiee’s new desired direction. It would rather ambiguous and didn’t capitalise on her biggest draw point, herself! Aimee’s approach to client care is very personal and she has strong connections to her life experiences.
The Solution
Using Aimee’s beautiful face I created a portrait illustration making her face a recognisable part of her branding. Combining it with family favourite flowers Sunflowers and Roses and a colour palette of pink, red, yellow green and purple I created a brand that suits Aimee’s personality and vibrancy.
Aimee as one of my first branding packages where I included a brand pattern as a standard, and she has utilised it in her website and packaging.
