Woah, just woah. Honestly it’s hard to know what to write. I honestly thought this Corona virus thing was going to just pass us by. I was due to go on a cruise March 23rd. The week before, on my damn birthday (March 16th if you want to send me a card next year) I got phone call after phone call as my florist business crashed and crumbled around me. What an awesome birthday gift.
I lost fifty thousand dollars worth of work in 15 minutes.
Yay me!
Not sure what this year is going to give.
Well studying online sucks. It’s hard because I have to motivate myself so much harder to get it done. I’m the type of person who needs the hottie in tight gym clothes at the front yelling at me to keep going to actually make it through a Pump class. Those free gym at home memberships they handed out, pointless! I layed on the ground ready to do my stomach crunches and just watched the damn screen.
Once I got my butt to uni last year I had no choice but to do uni work because I had caught the train to get to the city so may as well do the work. However, this year I only have to get my butt to the office. Sounds easy right? But here’s the stinker. The kids are home too. And there’s no school bell getting me up at 6am to get them there in time. So I slept in too often. But the kids had to checkin to their online classrooms, so I threw on whatever I could find to save my boobs ending up on camera. Then I ran around and got them sorted and made it to my class just in time, oh hang on I’m still wearing the Oodie that I’m sweating in. And what am I wearing underneath it? Probably nothing. Crap.
So yer it was nuts. I did most of my presentations without pants on. I also had World of Warcraft up on one computer while using my laptop to work between flight points and had the class running on my iPad. But I survived. We made it through, I passed all my classes and got Distinctions and Credits. Woot woot!

Lol! And we’re back in class. But now we’re not. And we’re wearing masks. And we’re social distancing. And public transport isn’t great. So I’m driving all the way into the city for 1 class because that 1 class is in person but the one just after is online. And we’re cancelling classes again. ARGH!
But honestly I feel awful complaining about how my otherwise safe life is so annoying. We are so damn lucky in Australia, and doubly so in Adelaide where our lockdowns only last a week or a few days (ignoring the 5 week stay at home request in March/April). Poor Melbournites have been locked down for months. People are dying in HUGE numbers in other countries and here I am complaining about studying online and social distancing.
We survived the year, my floristry business probably hasn’t. Everything has been postponed but the bills to keep a business alive keep piling up. I starting this degree as an Exit Plan. But now it’s going to become my Only Plan.